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National Youth Conference | July 23 - 25, 2015

Venue: The British College, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal

If you have any questions email us at: Or call 9841433224 (Sagar) / 9849511699 (Jon)

Press Release:

Click Here to download the press release.


Posted by Sano Sansar Initiative on Friday, July 24, 2015

Photos shared under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) / Attribute to

The Event:

Young Journalists is a Youth Conference themed Nation Building through Young Journalists, to enable active participation of young people in micro journalism for a sustainable development.


The concept of micro-journalism is widely popular in developed countries with many success stories. With our expertise on climate change mitigation, sustainable development and thorough research on micro-journalism, we believe that, training on this concept would be an invaluable asset for both young individuals and our Nation.

Through this conference and training event, we are going to integrate our expertise on education, environment conservation, education for sustainable development, and community health with micro journalism, allowing young individuals to be the role models of the community.

Learning for Sustainability!

Participants will learn the art of creative writing, conflict negotiation, and reporting local actions with journalism ethics in mind allowing them to qualify in becoming the Young Journalists and work to rebuild sustainable Nepal.

Participant's Reviews

– Usha K. Regmi

It motivated a lot to write from ground reality. Enjoyed! Unlearnt some things and learnt something significant.

– Sandip Lamichhane

No comments! It was fabulous in every aspect including proper time management.

– Isha Mandal

I have loved every moment here. I’ve been inspired, motivated and revived. Just keep up the awesome work!

– Bishal Prajapati

Well, it was a whole new experience for me. I got to learn new things I had awesome three days.

– Jeena Gurung

This conference had a friendly & fun loving environment as well very inspirational moments.

– Kismat Pachhai

This program covered different parts of our society so it’s awesome training.

Participant's Blogs

– Bipin Karki
“Awesome gathering of people who actually want to bring change on community”

– Sandeep Lamichhane
“One of the interesting session was the World CafÈ discussion”

– Bibek Dhital
“It was amazing three days…”

ram-pd-neupaneRam Prasad Neupane (Secretariat Chief of Mediation Council Kathmandu) coordinating a session on The Concept of Mediation

Radha Krishna Dhital, presenting a session on Focusing aspects of news/areas on WritingJournalist Radha Krishna Dhital, moderating the conference.

Prof. Rama K. Regmee on session Writing in Journalism
Prof. Rama Krishna Regmee, coordinating a session on Writing in Journalism.

Narayan Wagle presenting a session on Importance of Journalism
Mr. Narayan Wagle, Author/Editor at, coordinating a session on Importance of Journalism.

Day I - July 23, 2015

nabina-shrestha-yj-2015Ms. Nabina Shrestha, focal point of UN Global Compact Nepal, coordinating a session on CSR and development.

Mr Laxman Datt Pant from UNESCO Nepal, coordinating a session on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Media Workers.

Participants at the Young Journalists Conference!

mr-utsav-maden-yj-2015Mr. Utsav Maden, from ICIMOD Nepal, coordinating a session on Youth Networking and Social Media.

64 young people from 32 districts are joining the National Youth Conference on micro-journalism.

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