Sagar Aryal founded Sano Sansar Initiative, in order to solve the global climate and poverty crisis through education.
In the last decade, we’ve grown up to become a global youth movement. We’ve protested against climate crisis, advocated for sustainable development and organised national and international initiatives to plant trees, educate youths, persuade the governments and inspire the NGOs/INGOs, including the United Nations!
We also work directly with youth networks and local organisations to make a transformative difference for a welfare society.

Organise discussion forums, encourage school students for debating.

Climate Change
Inspire young people to act for their future! Organise global movements to encourage people to get involved.

Environment Conservation
Strengthen the ability of community for Environment protection and Conservation laws through action and awareness.

Disaster and Conflict
Collaborate with community for education on disaster risk reduction.

Organise support to create Educational Resource Centres in community schools.

Community Health
Encourage community to be prepared for primary health care. Train young people to be Little Doctors.

Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
We support the DESD and are committed to work with communities on our thematic priorities including, education, health, disaster risk reduction.

Millennium Development Goals
We supports assessments of environmental conditions and trends to generate the information necessary for sound environmental decision making to support sustainable development.

Climate Strike
We support that the leaders should deliver their homework on the climate crisis. Read More

Sustainable Development Goals
We support the seventeen point Sustainable Development Goals.
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Rio + 20
We are committed in supporting the ideas put forth for RIO+20 and work for a sustainable development and environmental governance.

UN Global Compact
We support The Ten Principles of UN Global Compact and invite the businesses around the world to support it. Read More