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We have answered some questions to help you understand Sano Sansar Initiative (SSI). If you still have questions, write us at:

What is Sano Sansar Intiative?

SSI-smallSano Sansar Initiative is a group of Children and youth founded by Sagar Aryal working to ensure a healthy and sustainable planet for everyone since 2006.

How does SSI work?

team-building-simulation little doctor- ssiWe are a network of young people, where you can share your ideas and lead it to make a successful action out of it.

Here is how it works:

  1. Share your idea to one of the Director of relevant thematic working group.
  2. He/She will then guide you to make the best concept with your idea.
  3. SSI administrative working groups will then guide you for fundraising and coordination of the event.

Are events organised by SSI free to join?

Most events at SSI are free to join. However, some events are organised through opportunity sharing basis and have minimal fees. For any event that has a participation fee, we provide scholarships to a deserving/needy youth for every youth that pays the fee. (i.e if you are paying the fee, you are also supporting another youth to join the event).

What is SSI's working area?

kathmandu-durbar-squareWe base actions with young people aged 10 to 25 for community development and leadership, on our thematic priorities, Which are:

Community Health, Climate Change, Disaster and Conflict, Education, Environment and Ecology, Governance

How can I get involved with SSI?

Sagar-aryal-guiding-students-for-plantationWe believe in opportunity sharing! All, children and youth can become involved with Sano Sansar Initiative. To begin, you can join one of our thematic working groups to participate and help organize events in communities.

Do you have more questions? Email us at:

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